Executive Director: Tom Esselman

Tom has worked as an executive leader in Kansas City for over 33 years, the last 12 of which have been in the nonprofit sector. Beginning in 2015, Tom led Connecting For Good, and PCs for People, both dedicated to electronics recycling of e-waste, refurbishing and distribution of usable computers at an affordable price to low-income families and the provision of reliable high-speed and low-cost broadband wireless internet service in low-income housing communities. Tom has also served as a Steering Council member of the Kansas City Coalition for Digital Inclusion and has been a participating member of the Planning Committee for the annual Net Inclusion Conference, held by the National Digital Inclusion Alliance. He also co-chairs the Anchors For Digital Equity policy group of the national SHLB (Schools, Healthcare, Libraries Broadband Coalition) nonprofit.

DEPO-KC Board of Directors

Our Board of Directors is dedicated to supporting the work of digital inclusion practitioners throughout the region. Under the guidance of this group, we will help to conquer the digital inequity in our region by supporting nonprofits working in communities small and large.

Board Chair: Shannon Wooten, of Arvest Bank

Board Secretary: Steven Norton, Ph.D., of Metropolitan Community College-Kansas City

Board Treasurer: Angela Tower, of Prairie Capital Management Group, LLC

Board Member: Erika Garcia Reyes, MPA, of United Community Services of Johnson County

Board Member: Melanie Miller, retired executive leader

Board Member: Pete Burney, of JE Dunn Construction Johnson County

Board Member: Chris Hernandez, communications and community engagement expert